Aisling Lake

This Ai model is Aisling (pronounced ASH-Ling). She is based on a curvy Irish girl with amazing red hair. If you haven't guessed by now I love red hair... well technically I love all hair colour, and it depends on who the hair belongs to, but for some reason I am drawn to red hair. Some models I have worked in the past can really rock any hair colour. For example Misty day. I photographed her as a blonde, brunette and a red head and she looked amazing with all three. While some people really only suit just one colour. For example Aeries. I saw her as a blonde once, but for me it just didn't work the same was as her flaming red hair. Anyway....

For me this Ai experiment is a fun experiment trying things I never got to with flesh and blood models. Plus you never quite know what you get when you generate an image. It does seem quite limited, especially with poses, but I guess in time that will improve too. One thing for sure, none of these Ai images would ever be possible without the original content creators, from which Ai draws its images from.. So once again what would the world be without the actual original human creators of images? The photographers who took beautiful photos of beautiful women and brought them to you. Its something to think about.

Agnetha doesn't have a "models page", but she does have a members only gallery that you can view HERE

I'm not sure exactly how Ai works, but it seems to me that it takes images from all over the internet and constructs (based on certain instruction), a unique image by combining elements from those images. If I am wrong I am happy to learn. Ai does seem to have a lot of trouble making toes and fingers properly. Sometimes it adds extra limbs too lol. It also seems to have some issue with vaginas in some cricumstances. As you can see, it never makes exactly the same face for that reason. Anyway, please enjoy these images, as they are still a work of art and I am captivated by the beauty that is made regardless of the source.

Just to be abundantly clear....none of these "women" exist in real life. They are 100% computer generated by Ai. All the Ai "models" are meant to represent "women" who are over the age of 18 years of age.

Below are a couple more non-nude stunning Ai "women". Ai video will be the next thing and takes much longer to generate. I did one of a single photo and it made abrief (very low resolution) video, but it was fun seeing it "come to life.

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