Nude Viking

Always wanted to do a female viking shield maiden photoshoot. Its another series that I never got to do. So here is Astrid our pretty 18yo Ai model being a nude viking.

The first photo got all the skin detail correct and has amazing detail. Not sure why but most of the rest I generated didn't have that detail. Sometimes it does that detail only partially. Still its an amazing step forward to ultimate realism.

I am being totally honest with my viewership by stating that all of this is Ai, and explaining as best I can how it is all being done. I am not trying to "fool" anyone with Ai. Sadly I have noticed that legacy media and political things out there, ARE trying to fool people with Ai. I hope that this demontrates that in honest hands Ai is a great tool and done with ethics. In the hands of "bad actors" it can be a destructive tool. Please don't blame Ai alone for any thing going forward, but blame the hands that wield Ai.

What I like about this Ai model, is that it allows for small natural breasts to be created, not just large over sized fake ones that other Ai seem to make. (last week's Inga didn't use a Lora, it was just using the Base SDXL based model, which is why her boobs, didn't quite have that natural looking sag to them. I was a littel concerned that I might loose the detail on her face if I combines it with a saggy breast Lora). With specialised Lora's it can be further expanded to make more saggy breasts (large or small), or detailed vagina with various labia sizes. Sometimes certain Lora's (low-rank adptation) don't mix well with a large language model and creates bad results. For instance, some vagina lora, will create ugly distorted faces, while others make pretty faces, but make ugly distroted vaginas. That is why each set can have varying results. Even within a generation of a set, there can be great results, and sometimes quite frightening results. Its all part of the learning process, and improvements in the final product. Learning the right prompts for each model is also a very important part of the process and how to combine those with a Lora.

I work with SDXL based Ai models, rather than PONY based Ai models. I find the SDXL based ones, creates better artistic results, while the pony models are great for making porn style. I have seen some really nice artistic results with PONY Ai models, but not to the level the SDXL one I work with. Especially when mixed with a lora trained on an SDXL model. They are both great, but the results are different. Particulary when it comes to lighting. Actually I might try generating a set based on the PONY model, so you can see the difference. I already started a set based on a 55yo woman in a pool. I might try and finish the set so you can see what it looks like.

Oh and I am curerntly looking into training my own specialised Lora, based on the nude muse models. I am still learning about making my own, and if I should concentrate on one nude muse model (eg just Scarlett-Morgan, though it maybe someone else instead), or use many different models (eg Erin, Scarlett-Morgan, Dannii, and many many more all combined into one Lora). That way I could (in theory) continue to create new content based on your favourite Nude Muse models. Anyway, it is just something I am learning right now and will see how it goes.

For me personally, I love the more artistic Ai models and Lora's as that is what more closely resembles my photography and where I wanted to go with my photography, and hopefully can keep going forward with this Ai. As a viewer, give it a chance and come on this amazing journey with me. Hopefully with the info i provide, it may also help you to see what Ai looks like, making it less likely that bad actors will be able to fool you.

I am also looking at making small animations based on a single image. So combines with Ai-voice and an image, I may in the not too distant future, be able to create short video clips from Nude Muse models. Beyond that, who knows where this tech will lead? If I publish something on the site, I will always let you know that it is Ai generated. I recently published some Ai images on a "real" model site to see if it will be picked up as Ai. One out of the three wasn't detected and is still up there. The purpose is to see how far this tech has come and to demonstrate that eventually even a trained eye, may have difficulty in detecting life models from Ai ones. It is the only time I didn't state it was Ai, as the mods do delete it if I stated it, and I wouldn't know if people could tell the difference or not. The image in question is the first one on this page. Always look at the hands, feet or pupils of the eyes. That is usually the best place to start. I think I have written enough of an essay for one day. ;)

Astrid doesn't have a "models page", but she does have a members only gallery that you can view HERE

Just to be abundantly clear....none of these "women" exist in real life. They are 100% computer generated by Ai. All the Ai "models" are generated to represent "women" who are over the age of 18 years of age.

Next model is 23 year old Kayley.....

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