
Rebecca is an Australian mother of two grown children. She is 55 and decided to pose nude for the first time. She is proud of how she has kept her looks, despite being in her 5th decade. She loves Yoga, the beach and eating natural organic food only, including a good steak.

As you can see, the Ai is geting better at skin textures. Better than before. It is also getting better at creating more natural shapes breasts, of all ages, as you can see it is making some lovely older breasts for this set. I never really got a chance to work with many older women in the art nude scene. I think most thought that getting older meant getting ugly. I hope this Ai set show what a pretty older woman might look like. Will be doing some more variety in art, models, ages, sizes, themes. So please stay tuned and let others know.

Rebecca doesn't have a "models page", but she does have a members only gallery that you can view HERE

Just to be abundantly clear....none of these "women" exist in real life. They are 100% computer generated by Ai. All the Ai "models" are generated to represent "women" who are over the age of 18 years of age.

A little preview of the next Ai model. This is actually a variety of models trying some experimental art using Ai. This isn't origianlly my idea, but I did modify it to suit the nude muse style and added some features the origianl didn't have, like lack of clothing lol. Will aim to do two updates this week. The model after will either be a stunning viking or a pretty librarian. After that maybe an iclandic model among ice flows in iceland. Much more to come so stay tuned.

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