mandie test 3D

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A test page to try out the new high quality 3D images. First you must download the 3D media viewer which is totally free, and install it on your system. There are three types of images and you must have one of these below to view 3D.
  • 1 Anaglyph (red/blue glasses)You only need the glasses and nothing else. It gives the poorest quality 3D as it is 1950's technology. Colours are bad and details is low, but it is 3D
  • 2 Interlaced 3D (polarising glasses) You need a passive 3D monitor and graphics card capable of displaying 3D. Gives excellent quality 3D.
  • 3 Active shutter glasses. You will need a 3D monitor and graphics card capable of playing 3D games and movies such as these nvidia cards. This gives the best, high qaulity HD 3D around.
  • To view the photo just click the image and select either "open with" and the 3D viewer should automatically detect your system and display the image in one of the above 3 systems depending on which one you have. Enjoy your nude art in 3D!