Make Your Own Choice.

This series with Eden "naked religion" is not meant to be an attack on spiritualism nor people who believe in a higher being. I know that this is a topic that will offend or upset some people, no matter what I say. It is not meant to do that. That is not it's purpose. Rather what I hope to achieve is to allow individuals to make up their own minds without some organisation "guiding" them.

There are a lot of people who have been told that nudity is bad and an affront to whatever deity they believe in. Sometimes with amazing contradictions. We are born nude, we live our entire lives totally nude (under the clothes we hide behind) and we die nude. No one can say this is not true. Nudity IS our true form. Nudity is the REAL identity we have. When you take away all money, and objects we own, what are we left with but the bodies we inhabit. Everything else is a mask or a construct of our own making. Many religions dictate that we should be ashamed of that nudity, ashamed of the body we inhabit our entire lives. It is that shame that I feel is misguided, as we should never be ashamed of our bodies.

There are some people that say "she should be ashamed at posing nude" or "how can anyone demean themselves like that". Or my favourite "she only took her clothes off because you paid her" Statements like that are demeaning the individual. Many people pose nude or live nude, not for money, but for the feeling of being free, or want to contribute to art. Some people do indeed pose nude for money, but how is that different than people exchanging their valuable time (and lives) for pay at work. How is being nude for a camera, or painter or sculpture, different than someone being paid to go to war (soldiers), or cleaning toilets, or cooking food, or filing papers, calling people on the phone or selling them a car. I am sure all those people would not do those jobs or tasks if they were not paid for them. So why do they single out nudity?

Nudity is not harmful. Living in your skin does not hurt people. Actions can hurt people. But actions can be done both clothed or nude. It is not nudity that causes harm. Although I know a few people of "faith" who are accepting of nudity and letting people choose, a lot of those statements I mentioned above, actually came from people "representing" certain religious groups.

Sometimes they will say that people who look at nudity or the nude form are perverts or worse. Appreciating beauty no matter what form it takes is a natural thing. And expressing your enjoyment, your admiration of something so beautiful is a moving, wonderful and happy occasion. Once again, how is it ok to appreciate a beautiful sunset, or flower, but not a beautiful nude person? Why is it we can openly enjoy a beautiful piece of music, or a beautifully styled sports car, but we cannot openly enjoy or appreciate a nude person, or an image of a nude person. Some say those are objects and we should not objectify a person. Then isn't appreciating a person singing or a person dancing beautifully, objectifying, or someone competing beautifully in sport (gymnastics, or diving for instance)? Each is a performance and each can be amazing or uplifting. They are not being objectified, but appreciated for their skill, beauty and performance. What if they did nude the exact same thing they did clothed? Appreciating something beautiful, something wonderful is a normal natural thing to do, and we should never be ashamed to do that. Beauty has always lifted people's spirits and has helped inspire some of the greatest music, some of the greatest writing, and some of the greatest art on earth today.

Do not let some group dictate what is right and wrong. Don't let them tell you that the nude form you where born into is bad, or feel bad about appreciating the beauty of another nude being. Let your own mind, heart or soul guide you, and do what you feel is right. So enjoy the beauty, the art and the pure natural nudity of Eden any way you feel is right. Share this message so that others can also enjoy too.

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