Fallen Tree

A tree falls in the forest, but does it make a sound if no one is around to hear it? The tree is Gnarled, twisted and broken, but it still holds a portion of it's former majesty. Angela is a small fragile creature, nude and lost in a wilderness. It is that contrast and the symbiotic relationship between life and death, shelter and home.

When the tree was alive, it was home to many creatures and birds. It provided food, and life. However even in death the tree continues to provide food, for fungi and insects. It still provides shelter for small animals, and even Angela, should there be a sudden rain storm. Even in death the tree has small trace of power, when you compare the small fragile body of Angela. Yet Angela, has the power to cut the tree and fashion it into anything she wants. She can even burn the wood, for warmth

life and death are not the start nor finish, but a continuing cycle. Also power and strength, are not always in the obvious places, but in the most unlikely places and unlikely people. It is within us all, no matter who we are. We just don't always recognise it.

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