Builders Were Awe Struck

Although it is winter here, there is still enough warmth in the sun to be nude outdoors. Next door to the studio there was a house which was demolished so developers could start building town houses, units, flats etc. Across the road a block of flats was being built. I just liked the idea of a lone nude figure in the empty block of land holding white balloons would look like. I figured it would make some nice artistic nudes. Bianca was on hand to help by holding Anoush's clothes while we did the shoot. It had rained recently so the soil was still very wet and muddy.

Across the road the builders there were just finishing up for the day and started to pack up their trucks. The three of us trekked next door carrying the white balloons. For some reason the builders did not notice this spectacle trampling around the mud across the street. I asked Anoush if she was ok to continue especially as there was a potential audience across the road. She said "yes lets do it".

Bianca gasped as Anoush took her clothes off and handed them to her. Bianca couldn't believe that Anoush would disrobe in front of all those builders. We started the photo shoot and all was going well. The sun was perfect and created the warm afternoon glow that I had hoped for. The breeze was light which made the balloons move gently in the air. Anoush was perfect as she modelled and moved from one pose to the next in a constant fluid performance of art, creativity and inner spirit. Then suddenly Bianca whispered urgently to Anoush "I think they spotted you". My back was to the builders so I couldn't tell. Anoush said "I know", but she continued as if nothing happened.

If you look at the third photo in the series here, you can see Anoush's reaction when she saw that the builders noticed her exquisite nude form. I started to hear voices from across the street, but they where just low murmurs.......murmurs of appreciation I found out later. Anoush continued, concentrating like a true professional model and I kept taking photos. Silence descended behind, but I took no notice and Anoush was back in her own world, her own mind, a living creature of creativity, a true muse of the ages, conjuring art, from basic elements.

Bianca giggled and the spell was broken. She couldn't help but react to the scene the had unfolded behind me. There where around 20 builders all standing still, mouths wide open, silent, spell bound, by Anoush's naked beauty. They where witnessing art being created right before their eyes. A magical moment as a nude muse works her magic, a sight that few ever get to experience. Anoush snapped out of her own spell, also laughed (see photos seven and eight) and reacted to the crowd of admiring onlookers. We had been there for nearly 20 minutes, and yet it seems just like 2. Bianca went over to Anoush and handed back her clothes and Anoush began to dress. It wasn't until she was fully dressed that the spellbound builders snapped out of their trance and went back to packing. We went back to the studio. A perfect afternoon. The next day one of the builders approached me, to ask if Anoush would make another appearance that day. Sadly I said no, as she had already headed back to her home town.

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