Are you Nude By Nature?

Misty-Day is going to be a mum for the first time. It's one of the most natural things. Its as natural as being nude. This parkland setting made a great spot to combine the two together.

Nature, being the way nature is, we did have some issues with bugs and a pair of butcher birds that wanted to dive bomb Misty-Day during the photo shoot. Thankfully she took it in her stride and understood that is what the natural world is like.

It is a pity that there are so many people that don’t understand what is nature. Not just the birds and the trees, but how we as people fit in. That no matter how many cities we build and surround ourselves with technology, that we are still very much tied to nature.

Our very nudity is a testament to this. No matter how much we try to hide it with fabric or walls we are nude beings. We are just as nude as any other species on earth.

Imagine a world where Misty-Day could walk around nude, or semi nude, no matter if she is pregnant or not. Imagine if people treated her or anyone else for that matter, the same regardless of her clothing or lack of clothing. That is the world we need to strive for. That is the world where true acceptance beings.

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