Be Calm.

The setting sun over the calm waters and the wind sculpted sandy beach, set the scene for a dreamscape in which Misty-Day’s stunning nude form plays the major role.

It is a scene that could be forgiven to be from the hallucinatory mind of a lost traveller who finally finds the sea. I could almost imagine what those in the boats behind would have been thinking as they went by. Would they have rubbed their eyes in doubt, not believing what they saw.

Some might say that this display of public nudity would have upset people and that some would have been “offended”. I could almost hear them say “think of the children”. However what those close minded and easily offended simpletons don’t realise, is that, there was indeed a young family nearby with children. They saw us and they didn’t have any issues at all. They just simply carried on doing what they were doing before we arrived.

Nudity in of itself is not degrading or disgusting. It is just a state of being. We can then turn that into a sexual fantasy, a deplorable act or a work of art. All three things can be done in the confines of the mind. It doesn’t change the scene we recorded in theses photos and video.

From our perspective, Misty-Day and nature where the lead artists in this real life dreamscape, that I was fortunate enough to capture for all to see.

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