
Dreams maybe dismissed by some as not being real or a flight of fancy, but think on this. Everything we have today, was once a dream in someone's mind. Misty-Day represents the dreams of many, both figuratively and literally.

For a long time dreams have been thought o only occur during REM (rapid eye movement) sleep. However some new studies have found that dreams are not that simple and are processed by the brain the same way we process actual experiences.

Which makes one ask. Are dreams just dreams? Or is there more to them?

Dreams are so varied. Most dreams people have are just our brains processing our daily lives and interpreting them. There are people who can control their dreams. Not just control their own actions but even control their setting. Those are lucid dreamers. Those people when falling off a cliff can consciously decide to fly instead. Or if chased by a monster can decide to turn and fight with magic or something similar.

Some even more rare abilities of dreams is the ability to control that moment between fully falling asleep and being awake. They stay in that bridge between consciousness and unconsciousness and tap the power of both the conscious mind and the unconscious. Many creative people have this ability and draw upon inspiration from this ability.

So next time you dream, whether it is of Misty-Day or being an astronaut or building a house, dreams are far more complex than you think and are often the seeds, the inspiration to make a better life.

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