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Is the Future Nude?

What if you could travel to the future and found out that nudity is not just tolerated, but the norm. This is what Misty-Day did.

Well this is a thought experiment translated into an artistic nude series, but just imagine If we could travel into the future. Would we be any different than we are today? If so by how much? or would there be social differences? Imagine that upon arriving into the future you find out that just as many people go nude as the those clothed. In hot tropical climates, clothes are almost non existent.

That doesn’t mean the end of fashion, but fashion changed to suit this new nude world. Different hairstyles, different ways to adorn our bodies, because as humans many people love to adorn their bodies with things. In the future there might be nano-paint that covers your body in an atom thick see through material that could keeps you warm in winter. Or just add a splash of colour. Want to be green for the day or purple? Just select it from the option list in your nano-wardrobe.

Some old fashioned types, might just want to be nude the old fashioned way, and just not wear anything at all. Children grow up not seeing the nude body as a sexual object, but as a vessel we live in. See nudity not as something shameful, but as the actual self.

People would feel less ashamed and less self conscious as we see that we are not alone in how we look. There will always be millions of people who have the very same bits as you and I. Imagine not having body shame.

Will such a future ever happen? Only you can answer that. What are you doing to make it happen? Misty-Day is doing her part by going nude and posing for these images where millions of people can see. You don’t have to go nude for the world but you can nude for yourself and see/feel the world around you without anything between you and the planet you live on. You can tell others about your expereince and ancourage them to try it out. Before you know it the world is changing for a better nude future. Go nude everyone and prosper!

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