What Came First? The Rabbit Or The Egg?

This week it is Easter and Misty-Day is the Easter Bunny bringing you some yummy chocolates for you to enjoy. Why shouldn’t the easter bunny be nude...after all rabbits are nude. It all makes sense really.

The history of easter dates back thousands of years well before christianity….did we say well before? try 60,000 years before. Decorated Ostrich eggs have been found in Africa that date back over 60,000 years. Sumerians and Egyptians used eggs as early as 5000 years ago. Bunnies and eggs are all symbols of fertility.

Chocolate Easter eggs are a very recent phenomenon. The very first chocolate easter egg was made by JS Fry of Bristol in the UK in 1873. Cadbury made the first milk chocolate easter eggs in 1906 which as we know know, was a big hit. and continues today.

Traditions have to start somewhere and why not start one of our own. Lets all celebrate Easter nude, just like Misty-Day and eat all that delicious chocolate.

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