For all the people that are new to Nude-Muse Magazine, we have prepared this mission statement to help you understand what we are about. Nude-Muse Magazine is about celebrating the nude human body in a beautiful and positive way. Nudity in many people's minds and often supported by the main stream media is usually portrayed as sexual or offensive. We are here to dispel that myth.

We see the world through our own eyes. We interpret that world through our own brains. If you see something offensive, it is not what you see that is offensive, it is how you interpret that, as offensive. No one can force you to be offended by anything. You make the choice to be offended. It is always your choice. On the other hand you can also choose not to be offended. You can even choose to appreciate the beauty and art of the nude form. It is totally up to you.

Nude-Muse Magazine sees the human body as a vessel we inhabit for our entire lives. We see the whole body the same way. Nude-Muse does not believe that any part of the body should be deemed taboo. Some people say that certain parts of the body provide a sexual function. Most parts of the body can provide multiple functions. Some people say that, for example, the vagina is just sexual, but they forget that it is also for creating and delivering life. If we cover one part of the body, then maybe we should cover it all, as they do in some cultures. Maybe we should cover our mouths and hands, as they too can provide a sexual function.

It is all about perception and how we see the world. People can see sexualisation in just about anything, if that is what they choose. They can even see it in shoes and clothes. Nude-Muse Magazine hopes to show that the nude human form, can also be non-sexual, can be a vessel to an idea, or message. How you decide to view it is up to you. It is your brain, it is your choice.

Nude-Muse Magazine is also different from other nude sites or nude magazines, even ones that call themselves artistic, because the models who pose for us, we believe is a true representation of women. Our aim is to photograph women of all ages and sizes because we want to show that women no matter their age (even 40+) and no matter their size, are very beautiful. Beauty comes in all shapes, sizes, ages, and races. It is that diversity that makes humanity interesting. It is what helps inspire great art.

Nude-Muse Magazine also wants to discard that ridiculous notion, that people can only view and enjoy the artistic beauty of a nude, in secret, or in a confined "adult only" arena. Most people will not openly admit that they admire or appreciate nude art. It is also a self imposed form of censorship, and creates a very unhealthy attitude towards the nude human body. Nude_muse Magazine believes that people need to see nudes especially real natural people, so that any individual can see that they are not alone. That they are not the only ones with a particular body type, or that their genitalia, is not weird or deformed, that in fact millions of other people all have the same type.

Nude-Muse Magazine also hope to dispel they myth that nude art can only be black and white, or that it can only be a nude sitting on a rock or by a window covered in lacy material. Nude-Muse Magazine hope to show that artistic nudes can be fun, it can be vibrant, it can be controversial, it can be inspiring, it can be anything we want it to be.

If as a result we are sometimes called a "maverick", or "loose canon", then so be it. We do not apologise for our stance or how we see the nude form, because we wish to see it in a beautiful and positive way, we feel that can only be a good thing. Through our nudes, Nude-Muse Magazine hopes to enlighten people, to make them think, and most importantly, to see the nude human form in a positive way. Nude-Muse Magazine hopes that one day people will be able to openly enjoy artistic nudes, as they would sport, or music or a movie, even to share the experience with friends and colleagues.

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