Why Dailymotion Stuffed Up

People in the US have been getting the message "This video has been made unavailable in your country by the owner". This has been a major stuff up on the part of dailymotion, who hosts nearly all our videos.

We created a special video for people to explain what has been happening. Just to clarify things. on our admin/control panel on dailymotion, we have no access or means to stop any country viewing our videos. Dailymotion on the other hand does. We have no idea why he created a message that says "by the owner". We WANT as many people to see our videos. We believe in spreading the word about why nudes and nudity is good, natural, beautiful and should be viewed by as many people as possible. Why would we restrict any community from seeing our work, when our philosophy is about educating as many people as we can?

As a result we are re-uploading our videos (previews and interviews) to vimeo and youtube, so that once again people from the US can see all our videos.

However we must also point out, that members, no matter what country you are in, can still download all our members videos and can view them any time at their leisure.

The uploading process is long and slow, as we have over 600 videos to upload each video takes between 30 minutes and 2 hours each. Rest assured we are working on resolving this as fast as we can, and should be back to normal quickly.

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