Sahara Nude

Sandy is a 21 yo student. She jumped at the chance to do a nude photo shoot in the Sahara desert. Even though her pale skin suffered under the harsh sun, she said it was worth it for the experience and the images.

I always wanted to do a photo shoot in such a scene, but never really got the chance. Ai has let me bring that idea to life as well. I am learning as many tricks as possible to fine tune images. There are a lot of special prompts that get even more detailed results and better quality. I am also trying various Ai models to see what they can do, in my search for the ultimate realistic Ai image

Sandy doesn't have a "models page", but she does have a members only gallery that you can view HERE

Just to be abundantly clear....none of these "women" exist in real life. They are 100% computer generated by Ai. All the Ai "models" are generated to represent "women" who are over the age of 18 years of age.

Next model is 19 year old Lauren, the daughter of Kathy the nudist lady farmer...

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